Alumni and past associates

Nuestros estudiantes graduados, post-docs y técnicos que ahora trabajan en nuevos proyectos ...

Ana M. Meza Salazar

(Ph.D. 2024)

Thesis title:

Surface-groundwater interactions in a changing climate: impacts of acidification and phosphorus enrichment on tropical stream macroinvertebrate assemblages

Mariely Vega Gómez

(Ph.D. 2024)

Thesis title:

The role of stream geomorphology in mediating tropical macroinvertebrate responses to climatic and hydrological extremes

Jesús "Chu" Gómez

(Post-doc 2018-2022)

Research project:

StreamFRE: Stream flow reduction experiment

Current affiliation:

Assistant Professor, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez

Roberto Reyes Maldonado

(Ph.D. 2022)

Thesis title:

Using native insect species and their neuromuscular system as models for assessing water toxicity in Puerto Rico: Chironomus sp. “Florida” (Diptera: Chironomidae)

Current affiliation: 

NSF postdoctoral Fellow, North Carolina State University

Natalia Rodríguez Ortiz

(Ph.D. 2021)

Thesis title:

Resiliencia Socioecológica en paisajes urbanizados: Un estudio sobre los efectos del desarrollo de proyectos de canalización

Current affiliation: 

Coordinadora del Huerto, Vivero y Bosque Urbano de Capetillo.

Centro de Acción Urbana, Comunitaria y Empresarial de Río Piedras (CAUCE). Universidad de Puerto Rico, Río Piedras.

Josue D. Santiago-Vera

(Ph.D. 2021)

Thesis title:

Meiofauna in tropical montane streams: community composition and responses to hurricane disturbance

Current affiliation: 

Assistant Professor, Mount Mercy University 

Norman Maldonado Benítez 

(M.Sc. 2020)

Thesis title:

Effects of urbanization on Odonata assemblages in tropical island streams, Puerto Rico

Current affiliation:

Protectores de Cuencas, Puerto Rico

Ashley C. Mariani Ríos

(M.Sc. 2020)

Thesis title:

Odonata Assemblages at El Yunque National Forest, Puerto Rico: A Spatio-Temporal Study

Current affiliation:

Protectores de Cuencas, Puerto Rico

Sean P. Kelly 

(Ph.D. 2017)

Thesis title:

The role of aquatic subsidies in riparian food webs and the effect of urbanization on the diet, diversity, and web-spinning behavior of riparian spiders

Current affiliation:

Department of Planning and Natural Resources,
Government of the U.S. Virgin Islands

M.Sc. Adriana M. Forero 

(Internship 2017)

Project title:

Interspecific interactions between shrimp and Ephemeroptera in tropical streams, Puerto Rico

Current affiliation:

Universidad del Tolima, Colombia

Limarie J. Reyes Torres 

(M.Sc. 2017)

Thesis title:

Life history, phenology, and drought response of Phylloicus pulchrus (Trichoptera: Calamoceratidae) in a tropical rainforest stream

Current affiliation:

Doctoral student, University of Southern Mississippi

Leticia Classen

(lab tech 2016 - 2017)

Research project:

Aquatic insect ecology in urban and forested watersheds   

B.Sc. Universidad de Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras

Current affiliation:

Doctoral student, St. Louis University, Missouri

Pablo E. Gutiérrez Fonseca

(Ph.D. 2016)

Thesis title:

Effects of environmental variables on aquatic macroinvertebrate assemblages in tropical lowland streams

Current affiliation:

Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources,
University of Vermont

Karleen Wagner

(M.Sc. 2015)

Thesis title:

Assessing the influences of urbanization on macroinvertebrate and fish assemblages in a tropical island urban watershed: A multi-scale approach

Natalia Rodriguez

(M.Sc. 2014)

Thesis title:

Adaptación del Protocolo de Evaluación Visual de Quebradas: El caso de la Región Noreste de Puerto Rico 

Annette Negroni Miranda

(M.Sc. 2014)

Thesis title:

Nitrogen dynamics in small tropical streams: a response to stream geomorphology and channel complexity in an urban watershed

Keysa Rosas

(lab tech 2009-2013)

Research project:

Aquatic insect ecology in urban and forested watersheds   

M.Sc. Georgia Southern University

Current affiliation:

Athens Technical College

Sofía Burgos Caraballo 

(Ph.D. 2012)

Thesis title:

Function and diversity of benthic biofilm communities in tropical stream ecosystems: The relevance of land use and reach factors

Augustin Engman

(M.Sc. 2011)

Thesis title:

Fish assemblage structure in urban streams of Puerto Rico: the importance of reach- and catchment-scale abiotic factors

Current affiliation:

Assistant Professor, University of Tennessee

Checo Colon-Gaud 

(Post-doc 2009-2010)

Research project:

Functional structure and food web dynamics of tropical headwater streams: Are food webs in tropical headwaters truly detritus-based?

Current affiliation:

Professor, Georgia Southern University 

Rebeca de Jesús-Crespo

(M.Sc. 2008)

Thesis title:

The effect of riparian vegetation and watershed land use on stream ecosystem integrity in a tropical urban watershed

Current affiliation:

Assistant Professor, Louisiana State University

Brynne Bryan

(Ph.D. 2008)

Thesis title:

Diatom community responses to environmental variables in tropical island streams

Current affiliation:

Instructor, California State University Dominguez Hills